Thursday, March 31, 2011

KEADILAN: Fund Raising For Sarawak Election

Once again, the Sarawak Election and General Election are around the corner. KEADILAN as a coalition partner in Pakatan Rakyat will be fielding candidates at the parliamentary and state levels.

Malaysia is at a crucial crossroad in our history. We appeal for your support and contribution to ensure that your hope and our dream for a new Malaysia will materialize.

We are a party with modest and limited material resources. In order to plan and implement our campaign electively, we need funds to cover print and online campaign materials, vehicles, venues and sound system rentals, food, drinks and payments for campaign workers, etc.

Account details as shown below:

Bank Account Name : Parti Keadilan Rakyat

Bank Account Number : 564191025409 (Maybank Berhad)

For more information, please visit

Please join us to make a truly free and just Malaysia for all of us. Together, we can make a difference!


Yours Sincerely,

Dr. Wan Azizah Wan Ismail
Presiden Parti KEADILAN Rakyat

Powered by Keadilan Network || This is a grassroots movement, a project by a group of Pakatan's Supporters.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Fighting for Malaysian Freedom

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Dear Friends,

We all feel sad and disgusted. Once again, they tried to confuse us though their effort was fruitless. The same old script was repeated as immoral actors took the center stage. What a waste of millions of ringgit each year to Public Relations consultants on creating credible image in the eyes of the people. The truth is, the front page of Utusan Malaysia and prime news of TV3 are still saturated with insignificant propaganda and fake issues.
They really thought that they are holier than dow. But, the Almighty Are Great and Fair. The thwarted conspiracy proves the involvement of several high-profiled players (VIDEO: Who Were Behind The Sex Video || NEWS ). These men are in great possessions of position and power; former state Chief Minister, political businessman and a self-proclaimed defender of Malays' rights who turned out to be the real culprits.
How can we allow them to continue to further tarnish the names of religion, race and nation?
Who actually brings disgrace upon Malaysia?
Calling For All To Reject Dirty Politics - Dr Asri
"We need politics of idea, underpinning the proposition of holistic development so that peoples' lives are enriched with discipline, dignity and civilization."
This struggle is by no means an easy task. Less than a week after the corrupted conspiracy, the police force has been mobilized. They stormed peaceful gathering, with the intention to scare people from seeking the truth.
VIDEO: Police Stormed Political Rally, 3 Youth Arrested
People are getting angry and the uprise of our youth is being felt. Stand up my dear friends to show your support. Do not be afraid of their threats; show them that the real power lies within the people's spirit and confidence. Believe wholeheartedly in the mercy of God, and victory will be in favor of the truth.
Let’s share this fighting spirit with our fellow countrymen!
Afif Nasri
Perjuangan Demi Kebebasan Malaysia
Kita semua berasa sedih dan jelek. Sekali lagi mereka cuba untuk mengelirukan rakyat, walaupun usaha tersebut menemui kegagalan. Skrip lama diulang sedangkan lakonan tidak bermoral dipertaruhkan. Ternyata sia-sialah bayaran bernilai puluhan juta ringgit kepada firma-firma perunding media untuk mencipta imej berkredibiliti di mata umum sedangkan muka depan Utusan Malaysia dan Buletin Utama TV3 hari ini masih tepu dengan propaganda murahan dan isu-isu palsu.
Sesungguhnya Tuhan Maha Adil dan Maha Berkuasa. Tembelang yang terbongkar membuktikan pembabitan orang-orang ternama. Mereka berkedudukan dan berkepentingan. Antara watak-watak utama termasuk bekas Ketua Menteri, usahawan politik dan seorang kononnya pejuang bangsa yang sebenarnya mendalangi video fitnah tersebut. (VIDEO: Pendedahan Oleh MP Johari Abdul)
Sanggupkah kita membiarkan mereka terus memalukan maruah agama, bangsa dan negara?
Siapakah yang sebenarnya mengaibkan Malaysia?
Kita Kena Tolak Politik Kotor – Dr Asri
"Kita perlukan politik idea, yang berteraskan pembangunan umat sejagat agar kehidupan rakyat lebih berdisiplin, bermaruah dan bertamadun."
Perjuangan ini bukannya mudah. Tidak sampai seminggu selepas fitnah mereka terbongkar, kekerasan pihak polis digunakan. Serbuan terhadap majlis ceramah diperhebatkan, bertujuan untuk mengaburi rakyat daripada melihat kebenaran.
VIDEO: Polis Serbu Ceramah, 3 Anak Muda Ditangkap
Rakyat semakin marah dan kebangkitan anak muda mula dirasai. Bangunlah sahabat sekalian untuk sama-sama tampil kehadapan memberi sokongan. Usah ditakuti akan ugutan mereka, dan marilah kita buktikan bahawa kuasa terletak pada keteguhan jatidiri dan keyakinan rakyat. Percayalah kepada Rahmat Tuhan, dan kemenangan akan berpihak kepada kebenaran.
Sama-sama sebarkan semangat perjuangan ini.

Powered by Keadilan Network || This is a grassroots movement, a project by a group of Pakatan's Supporters.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Why now, why Anwar Ibrahim?

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Dear Friend,
The old dirty politics have been revived. As the nation's economy loses its grip on direction and the people face the ever high cost of living, numerous slanderous attacks are now being sensationalized. The mainstream media is being fully manipulated to create the doubtfulness that they hope will weaken the spirit for change. 
As if the Fitnah-2 Sodomy Case (MediaRakyat: Why They Want To Prison Anwar) is not ridiculous enough, now we see the resurface of sex video footage, which mainly aims at destroying the credibility of Pakatan leadership (Malaysiakini). They have been trying hard to tarnish our credential and degrade our image, sorely to divert our attention from the major issues namely economy, social development and accountable administration.
Nothing else can obscure the eyes of the public. Sarawak election is coming up, and malpractice exposure of wrongdoings and the abuse of powers can no longer be stopped. Look at how badly are the people being oppressed, while the corrupted leaders are always being defended (Sarawak Report). Do not be surprised if the defamatory attacks will be intensified so long they still cling to powers.
Let’s focus on our agenda for reform. Looking at the recent supports on social media such as Facebook and Twitter, it is clear that the people are now more matured. Do not let our minds be confused with blatant and cheap lies. Let's continue to speak up! 
Together we must stop the tyranny to save the future of our country. Let's adhere to our principles, and may God be with us on this journey.
Afif Nasri
Saudara dan saudari,
Politik lama yang kotor kini makin menjadi-jadi. Tatkala ekonomi negara semakin hilang arah dan rakyat terus menghadapi tekanan terhadap kos sara hidup, serangan fitnah pula disensasikan. Arus media perdana digunakan sepenuhnya untuk menanam sifat keraguan dikalangan rakyat yang bertujuan memecah belahkan semangat membawa kepada perubahan.
Tidak cukup dengan pengaiban melalui kes liwat fitnah kali ke-2 (Mediarakyat: Mengapa Mereka Mahu Anwar Dipenjarakan),  kini muncul pula rakaman video rekaan untuk memusnahkan kredibiliti pimpinan Pakatan (Malaysiakini). Mereka hanya pakar dalam menjatuhkan maruah kita bagi mengalih perhatian daripada membincangkan isu-isu utama iaitu ekonomi, pembangunan sosial dan pentadbiran. 
Ini semua bertujuan mengaburi mata rakyat. Pilihanraya Sarawak akan diadakan dalam masa terdekat sedangkan pendedahan, penyelewengan demi penyelewengan mereka tidak lagi boleh disekat. Lihatlah betapa kejamnya rakyat ditindas, manakala mereka yang rasuah masih dipertahankan (Sarawak Report). Tidak hairanlah jika serangan-serangan fitnah akan diperhebatkan selagi mereka memegang tampuk kuasa.
Ayuh kita tumpukan perhatian kepada agenda perubahan. Melihat kepada sokongan ramai di laman media sosial seperti di Facebook dan Twitter, ternyata rakyat sudah semakin matang. Jangan biarkan pemikiran kita dikelirukan dengan pembohongan murahan mereka. Teruskan bersuara!
Sama-samalah kita hentikan kezaliman ini demi menyelamatkan masa depan Malaysia. Berpeganglah kepada prinsip, insyallah Tuhan akan bersama-sama dengan kita dalam perjuangan ini.
Afif Nasri
Powered by Keadilan Network || This is a grassroots movement, a project by a group of Pakatan's Supporters.

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Monday, March 07, 2011

Mereka Masih Berkuasa / They Are Still In Power


Sdr/i ,

Tiga tahun sudah berlalu sejak tsunami politik melanda negara. Tanggal 8 Mac 2008 telah memberi harapan baru kepada rakyat seolah-olah kita akhirnya punyai suara untuk tentukan masa depan negara.

Namun ianya tidaklah semudah seperti yang disangkakan.    

Kebangkitan tersebut telah menimbulkan keresahan dikalangan yang masih berkuasa. Sistem undang-undang dipermainkan, serangan politik diperhebatkan dan malangnya rakyat terus disisihkan. Lihat sajalah betapa bangganya mereka mewarwarkan kononnya ekonomi negara bertambah baik, sedangkan rakyat biasa makin dihimpit dengan kesengsaraan hidup.  
Adakah kita tidak mampu menilai?

Sebagai seorang rakyat Malaysia Sdr/i pasti berasa sedih dan kecewa.  Polimik perkauman terus diapi-apikan, duit ditabur untuk meraih sokongan sedangkan kekayaan negara terus rakus dirompak. Tidak hairanlah mengapa ruang untuk kita bersuara terus dinafikan.

Mungkin benar bahawa dengan sistem yang sedia ada, kita tidak mampu membawa perubahan. 

Dengan kongkongan media yang berterusan, mungkin luahan ini sampai bila tidak akan didengari mereka.

Saya percaya Sdr/i terus kecewa diluar sana. Pesanan saya kepada Sdr/i, janganlah putus harapan. Walaupun kita pasrah kerana mereka terus berkuasa, ingatlah bahawa tiga tahun yang lalu kita begitu hampir menumbangkan mereka. 

Kerana itulah kita harus bersama.

Rangkaian ini diwujudkan bagi membolehkan perkongsian maklumat agar kita sama-sama menegakkan keadilan. Saya pohon sdr/i untuk terus berada dalam rangkaian ini dan ajaklah rakan-rakan untuk turut sertai.

Semoga usaha ini diberkati!

Afif Nasri


Dear friend,

Three years have passed since the political tsunami hit the country. Indeed March 8, 2008 has given Malaysians a new hope as if we finally have the voice to determine our country’s future.

But it is not as a smooth journey as we thought.

The revival has led to unrest among those who still cling to power. They manipulate the legal system, intensify political attacks, and sadly the masses continue to be sidelined. Look at how they brag about supposedly our improved economy, yet the ordinary people are struggling to make ends meet.

Are we blind from seeing the reality?

As a Malaysian, you would feel sad and disappointed. The racial sentiment is being perpetually played, the money sown to gain support, while our national wealth is being robbed. The reasoned clearly why our freedom of speech is being denied.

Maybe it is true that with the present system in place, we are unable to bring about change.

With continued captivity of the media, our voice will forever be ignored.

I believe many of you out there continue to feel disappointed. If I can tell you one thing, it is not to give up. Although we might feel handicap because they are still up there occupying the seats of power, please remember that three years ago, we were so close to send them back home.

That is why we need to stand together.

This network is created to enable information sharing so that we can together fight for justice. I urge you to stay connected and invite your friends to join us.

May God bless our effort!

Afif Nasri


Powered by Keadilan Network || This is a grassroots movement, a project by a group of Pakatan's Supporters.

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